Krykkjene på veggen / The Kittywakes on the wall
From time to time I have recieved local grants consisting of a small sum of money, free lodging and a mandatory exhibition after the stay. One of these grants took me to Namsos in Mid-Norway. One great benefit here was the free use of public tranport. After a while I took the ferry out to Sør-Gjæslingan (meaning the Southern Goslings, from the distance they look like a flock of goslings). This incredibly beautiful environment had been, a hundred years ago, the largest fishing village south of the more famous ones in Lofoten. Here the Black-legged Kittywakes ruled the territory. Whereever it was possible to nest on these practical artificial cliffs that the humans had been kind enough to put up, they nested. Their shit etched through the metal roofs, making maintenance hard. I managed to make some sketches of the birds, and painted this picture. It’s actually one of the few watercolours I’ve completed, 43x31 cm.